It's CIP's Annual Campaign...and we need your support
Your donation makes a positive difference in the lives of older adults
$1,725 raised
$15,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Support the programs and services that serve our community
Each year Center in the Park's long-time supporters team up and reach out to seek your financial support for the Center. Our building is beautiful, our programs are terrific, and our social services are second to none, but none of these things are fully-funded. Just over 60% of CIP's funding comes from government sources. The rest we have to raise ourselves. We all have to do our part, no matter how small, to keep our incredible Center open and serving the community.
This has been a busy year! CIP welcomed a new Executive Director, Reneé C. Cunningham, we have a fresh coat of paint and some new furniture, & we have extended our hours to include Saturday programming! We are 50 and counting…with a long list of impressive accomplishments, and an even longer list of exciting possibilities that lie ahead. But we need your support to continue.